Individual Drip Candles

Drip Candle 10 Packs

Drip Candle 25 Packs

Drip Candle 50 Packs Drip Candle 75 Packs
Drip Candle Starter Kits

 Special Drip Packs

Drip Candle Bottles




We've been dripping for over 50 years!

The Drip Candle Mountain was started in 1969. It is now more than eight feet tall, probably weighs more than 500 pounds, and is made up of more than 20,000 candles. But it began with just one, just like your drip candle mountain will!

All you need is a drip candle and a tall bottle like a wine bottle or our colorful drip candle bottles that can be found here! Place your drip candle in the top of the bottle, lit it and watch as it burns down fast, creating a cascade of wax drips! Believe us, you'll want more than just one drip candle on hand after that! Start your own today!